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How Walter’s Coaching Helped Rudiger

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of working with Walter, a coach who taught me some powerful lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. When I first met him, he was teaching a vivid sharing technology class through Landmark. His class was incredibly useful, not just for my work as an ILP, but also for my life outside of work. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with him.

The reason I came to coaching was that I had gone through a divorce and was looking to gain clarity and visibility about myself. I wanted to know what lessons I had learned and how I could apply them to my future relationships. I was also looking to become a better business leader in my two businesses. These were the two key areas of focus for me when I started working with Walter.

Coaching with Walter was a very immersive and experiential process. It wasn't just about making a plan and executing it. It was about communication, better understanding myself, and experiencing things at a deeper level. The initial coaching was three times a week, and we did some tremendous tools and exercises to help me gain perspective and ultimately let go.

After working with Walter, my relationship with my ex-wife changed fundamentally, but my relationship as a dad did not. I was able to find personal peace and take personal responsibility instead of getting hung up in the drama that often came with our conversations. Walter helped me shift my communication and thought patterns to take full responsibility and ownership of my life. I no longer play the victim, and I am fully in charge of leading my life.

Working with Walter was a unique experience. His level of compassion, detail, specificity, and holistic approach were unlike anything I had ever experienced before. He didn't just give me a recipe to follow step-by-step. He helped me experience living and being fully present in each step of the process.

In conclusion, working with Walter has been a life-changing experience for me. He has helped me gain clarity and visibility about myself, become a better business leader, and take ownership of my life. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a coach who will help them experience living and being fully present in each moment.

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